Check out our academic ancestors going back to scientists like Euler and Bernoulli !!
Principal Investigator
PhD. University of California Berkeley, 2016
MSc, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2012
BSc, Isfahan University of Technology, 2010
- Assistant Professor (2017-).
- Mechanical Engineering
PhD Students
MohammadReza got his MS degree from University of Tehran. He is a PhD student in Bioengineering.
Mostafa got his MS degree from Isfahan University of Technology. He is a PhD student in Bioengineering (NAU presidential fellow). He joins our group with a strong publication record in journals such as Journal of Aerosol Science.
Maryam graduated from Azad University in Tehran. She is a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering.
Hunor got his BSc and MSc from Budapest University of Technology (Hungray) in Mechanical Engineering. He was also an exchange student at University of Naples (Italy) as part of his Masters. He is a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering and the recipient of NAU’s Presidential Fellowship.
Masters Students
Undergraduate Students
Ethan is a BS student in Mechanical Engineering. His research on scientific machine learning is supported by a NASA Space Grant Fellowship.
Grad student / visiting scholar alumni
Symon got his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology (India). He was an MS student in Mechanical Engineering. Followup position: PhD student at Stony Brook University.
Dr. Xu is a faculty at Jiangsu University (China). He was a visiting scholar in our lab. His research interests include finite/discrete element methods and computational mechanics.
Ali got his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (the top Engineering School in Iran). He was an MS student in Mechanical Engineering. Followup position: PhD student at University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
Mohammad was an MS student in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and got his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. He was visiting our lab for one year to do his MS thesis research. He was co-advised with Dr. Alberto Redaelli in Milan. Followup position: Biomedical Engineering PhD student at Arizona State University.
Milad got his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (the top Engineering School in Iran). He was an MS student in Mechanical Engineering.
Followup position: Mechanical Engineering PhD student at University of Maryland-College Park.
Sara got her bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from K. N. Toosi University of Technology (Tehran). She was an MS student in Mechanical Engineering.
Followup position: Mechanical Engineering PhD student at UC-Irvine.
Undergrad student alumni
Daniel got his BS in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Math and Biology.
Connor was pursuing a BS in Physics with minors in Mechanical Engineering and Math. He was the recipient of the NASA Space Grant Fellowship. Followup position: PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Edwin was pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering and is also part of the Honor’s program. He was a recipient of the NASA Space Grant Fellowship.
Tristian was pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering. His research was funded by NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program.
Chadrick Jennings
Chad was a Mechanical Engineering BS student.
Samuel is pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently enrolled in the CCC2NAU program to transfer to NAU from Coconino Community College. His research if funded by Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP).
Daniel is pursuing a BS in Mechanical engineering with a Math minor.
Ashley is pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering. She is also a recipient of the Lumberjack Scholarship
Christine Chesney
Chadrick is a BS student in Biomedical Sciences. Her research is funded by NAU’s Interns-to-Scholars (I2S) program.
Danna is a visiting undergraduate student from University of Virginia’s Biomedical Engineering Department. She is doing summer research in our lab. Followup position: Undergraduate student at University of Virginia Biomedical Engineering Department.
Zach was a BS student in Mechanical Engineering.